Toastmasters of Paris 

Founded in 1975, our club is the oldest English-speaking Toastmasters Club in France.

We are a family of nations where everyone who masters English is welcome.

Toastmasters International

This worldwide organization establishes guidelines for all clubs, ensuring that they follow the paths of integrity, service, respect, and excellence.


“We learn best
in moments
of enjoyment”

 Ralph Smedley
Founder of Toastmasters International

“You’re on Mute…”

Quote of 2020

“The destination
the direction”

“Real communication
is impossible
without listening”

The Venue

Since early on, the club’s meetings have been held in an elegant restaurant in the heart of Paris:  ‘Les Noces de Jeannette’

The pleasure of enjoying together a three-course meal and wine enables our members to relax while listening to excellent and informative speeches.

Does the wine help in stimulating its members to give such creative speeches and ingenious evaluations? Does the environment, together with the restaurant’s friendly service, contribute towards the enthusiasm of its members and their guests for these club meetings?

We think so!


Since 1975, Toastmasters of Paris has been winning awards almost annually, including  the President’s Distinguished Club. The banners seen in the photos are a testimony to the many distinctions TMP has won over its 45-year history. 


Toastmasters International stresses four core values: Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence 

and these are at the heart of our meetings. 

Aligned with these values, Toastmasters of Paris provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment: every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, fostering self-confidence and personal growth.

Birthday Celebrations!

Toastmasters of Paris is forty-five! Older than any other Parisian Toastmasters, the club was determined to celebrate this landmark in style. Taking place under COVID conditions, this took a good deal of creativity, but the meeting of Tuesday, November 17, 2020 was a masterpiece of stylish fun and festivity. 

Club president Vicki Gerber, ably assisted by the executive committee, wanted a fitting commemoration of a forty-five-year history, and so, in addition to the traditional trappings of jokes, toasts, speeches and evaluations, there were some surprises with special guests and unusual moments.

A warm welcome was extended to former members who returned to join in the occasion. VIP guests included Toastmasters International President Richard E. Peck, DTM, who kindly agreed to serve as General Evaluator. He performed the role generously, concluding with fulsome praise for the event organization and the speakers. 

Vicki coordinated the evening with aplomb, later remarking that she felt like a conductor of a talented orchestra. While our rendition of Happy Birthday – with its dissonant Zoom echoes – was perhaps less than classical, the theme, quotation, and table topics provided a subtle harmony, and there was talent aplenty in the speeches and subsequent evaluations.

The idea of the evening was that it takes a long time to become young (Picasso). Bertrand recounted the important events of 1975, and club historian Peter Kenton talked about TMP’s progress since that founding year, showing how the group continues to build upon rich traditions and heritage while cultivating a youthful spirit. Teamwork is responsible for the success of this club, he suggested.

Vicki has acknowledged this, thanking Peter for his contributions as well as the many other people whose work made the evening such a success. She singled our several ‘orchestra’ members, including Sam (Woodman) for the fabulous birthday card design, Martin (Raim) and Oana (Nitescu) for their creative ideas, Bertrand (Le Bris) for the excellent agenda, and Danielle (Willi) for her management skills.

The evening was an incontestable success and will be long remembered. Silly hats and party clothes, flags and birthday candles… It takes a long time to be this young at heart!

Meet Our Executive Team



Four years ago, I heard about Toastmasters on the radio and attended Toastmasters of Paris as a guest. I enjoyed the ambiance and was really impressed by the level of the speakers.

I still remember how Peter Kenton, our club founder, welcomed me; he is now my mentor.

Every time I go to the restaurant and give a speech, I realize how lucky I am to be part of such a family, a truly multicultural family that combines all generations with a common goal – to improve our public speaking.

I’d received so much from the club that I wanted to give something back, and so, for the last three years, I have had the privilege of serving as Treasurer. 



Vicki Gerber grew up in a small town in New Jersey. In 1983 she was relocated by General Electric from Washington D.C. to Paris. Shortly after her arrival, her love of technology led her to start up an independent company, HyperWave. 

As Founder & President, Vicki was responsible for identifying, importing and distributing innovative technologies into France, such as interactive touch screens and publishing French learning programs for children. She also worked with catalog companies including La Redoute and 3 Suisses, convincing them to adopt the first software for online sales.


Upon retirement in 2018, Vicki joined TMP, Since then, she has participated in their Executive Committee each year, taking on a variety of roles (VP Membership, VP Public Relations, President & VP Mentorship). 2024 is her second stint at being president. In TMP she has found a new family of diverse people from many countries, making new friends and forming a comradeship that is not found elsewhere. The club has provided the opportunity to develop her speaking and leadership skills in a very warm atmosphere. 

Vice President Education


Hello! This is Josep.

Spanish by birth, I identify myself as a citizen of the world. I am living in Paris. Prior to that, I lived in Beijing and Milan, among others.

I am a passionate traveler. The more remote the place is, the more joyful I am! Portrait photography being my favorite, I never miss the chance to take a myriad of pictures while traveling. I am also a watercolor painter with a passion for landscapes, I hope one day to make an exhibition and make my first sale! (Disclaimer: the first buyer gets a discount!).

Since I joined, I have taken several positions such as Sergeant-At-Arms and VP Education. Always open to new challenges!

Come as a guest and no doubt you will enjoy the experience. You will recognize me easily; I am the one arriving at the place with a bike!

Vice President Public Relations


I‘ve always been attracted to speaking in public and having an audience. But this doesn’t mean I knew what I was doing. I joined Toastmasters to practice my public speaking skills and learn from others. 

Suffice to say I wasn’t disappointed! Toastmasters of Paris is a true community, where everyone is welcome. It’s a safe space for anyone who wants to work on their public speaking, practice their leadership skills and meet new people. 

I enjoy Toastmasters so much that I want to spread the word about it. That’s why I joined the Executive Committee as VP Public Relations, promoting the Club’s upcoming meetings. 

Vice President Membership


This club gave me the confidence and leadership skills I needed to thrive in both life and work.

I came to Toastmasters of Paris. What I found was a welcoming community where the members provide the support and encouragement to grow.

As the VP of Membership I thought I was going to work on my leadership skills and ended up working my social skills as well.

Every meeting is filled with useful informative, funny, and inspirational speeches. Undoubtedly one of the best aspects of the club is the people that make up the club.



My main motivator for joining Toastmasters was to find a community. In joining Toastmasters of Paris, I found more than I had hoped – a wonderful group of internationals, logophiles, people who relish a challenge, enjoy good food, and share a sense of humor – and I haven’t looked back! In the year and a half since becoming a member, I’ve learned and grown so much, all thanks to the supportive atmosphere and guidance feedback.

I’m happy to serve as secretary this year with responsibility for writing the meeting reports.

Sergeant at Arms


Participating in the Toastmasters Club of Paris is like doing an elite MBA, but to tell stories and seduce the public. What struck me from day one was how fun, inclusive, and military-like the club was in organizing sessions, giving feedback, and helping its members progress in public speaking.

That’s why, when I was given the opportunity to serve and contribute to the club as the Sergeant-at-Arms, meaning in charge of all the logistics, I was happy to say “yes” right away.



Peter is a lawyer and the historian of the club. He has been a Toastmaster in Europe since 1990, and is currently an active member of three clubs in Paris.

He has given presentations in four languages. He has achieved the grade of DTM, the highest accorded by Toastmasters International. He has earned recognition as “Toastmaster of the Year” by Toastmasters of Paris several times, “Best Area Governor” and “Outstanding Toastmaster of District 59”. He has helped establish new clubs in several European countries as well as the first bilingual club and has also been active in the organization of a professional speakers association in the U.K. and another in France.

As a student in France, he played sidewalk guitar at cafés and sang for coins; he also learned to appreciate French culture.



I embarked on a transformative journey in early 2022 when I joined Toastmasters of Paris.

As I confronted my fears of public speaking, I experienced trembling hands, profuse sweating, and a racing heart.
Yet, through persistent practice and the supportive environment provided by Toastmasters of Paris, I improved my self-confidence and communication abilities. I am at the beginning of the journey and it’s been really rewarding so far.

A proof of improvement? I am now able to sleep the nights before giving a speech!

Being a software engineer, I am happy to help the club and act as the webmaster at the ExComm.

I was a public speaker in my youth, mainly because I couldn’t do sports. I love public speaking and it took me 30 years of knowing about Toastmasters before I joined. I’m so thrilled to have found a wonderful community here in Paris to share the journey of becoming a better public speaker – and a better listener. So often we’re distracted, taking part in meetings online whilst reading emails, or scrolling on phones. I enjoy the time where I’m listening to others share their stories and ideas. I am also passionate about mentoring. I’ve both been a mentor and mentored, and contributed to the successful running of a mentoring programme in Africa and the Middle East for female news editors. Mentoring is invaluable and I enjoy this side of Toastmasters too.